Grade Signs


The N.O.X. Signs


In the Star Saphire, Crowley writes: "the signs of N.O.X. being the signs of Puer, Vir, Puella, Mulier. Omit the sign. I.R. [Isis Rejoicing]"


He further describes in Liber V vel Reguli, "...the sign called Puella, standing with his feet together, head bowed, his left hand shielding the muladhara cakra, and his right hand shielding his breast (attitude of the Venus de Medici)...

...the sign Puer, standing with feet together and head erect. Let his right hand (the thumb extended at right angles to the fingers) be raised, the forearm vertical at a right angle with the upper arm, which is horizontally extended in the line joining the shoulders. Let his left hand, the thumb extended forwards, and the fingers clenched, rest at the junction of the thighs (attitudes of the gods Mentu, Khem, etc.)...


...the sign called Vir, the feet being together. The hands, with clenched fingers and thumbs thrust out forwards, are held to the temples; the head is then bowed and pushed out, as if to symbolize the butting of an horned beast (attitude of Pan, Bacchus, etc.). (Frontispiece, Equinox I(3))...


...the sign Mulier. The feet are widely separated, and the arms raised so as to suggest a crescent. The head is thrown back (attitude of Baphomet, Isis in Welcome, the Microcosm of Vitruvius)... (See Book 4, Part II).

Mater Triumphans

...the sign of Mater Triumphans [Isis Rejoicing]. (The feet are together; the left arm is curved as if it supported a child; the thumb and index finger of the right hand pinch the nipple of the left breast, as if offering it to that child.)..."

Signs of +LVX & NOX


The Sign of Osiris Slain

The Sign of the Mourning of Isis

The Sign of Apophis and Typhon

The Sign of Osiris Risen



In the Star Saphire, Crowley writes: "the signs of N.O.X. being the signs of Puer, Vir, Puella, Mulier. Omit the sign. I.R. [Isis Rejoicing]"


He further describes in Liber V vel Reguli, "...the sign called Puella, standing with his feet together, head bowed, his left hand shielding the muladhara cakra, and his right hand shielding his breast (attitude of the Venus de Medici)...

...the sign Puer, standing with feet together and head erect. Let his right hand (the thumb extended at right angles to the fingers) be raised, the forearm vertical at a right angle with the upper arm, which is horizontally extended in the line joining the shoulders. Let his left hand, the thumb extended forwards, and the fingers clenched, rest at the junction of the thighs (attitudes of the gods Mentu, Khem, etc.)...


...the sign called Vir, the feet being together. The hands, with clenched fingers and thumbs thrust out forwards, are held to the temples; the head is then bowed and pushed out, as if to symbolize the butting of an horned beast (attitude of Pan, Bacchus, etc.). (Frontispiece, Equinox I(3))...


...the sign Mulier. The feet are widely separated, and the arms raised so as to suggest a crescent. The head is thrown back (attitude of Baphomet, Isis in Welcome, the Microcosm of Vitruvius)... (See Book 4, Part II).

Mater Triumphans

...the sign of Mater Triumphans [Isis Rejoicing]. (The feet are together; the left arm is curved as if it supported a child; the thumb and index finger of the right hand pinch the nipple of the left breast, as if offering it to that child.)..."

Works Cited